Books and papers
Some outstanding publications are listed below:
- "Entrepreneurial excellence in the knowledge economy. Intellectual Capital Benchmarking Systems" Palgrave McMillan 2012.
- "Excelencia Empresarial" McGraw Hill Madrid 1992.
- “ICBS Intellectual Capital Benchmarking System””. In the "Journal of Technology Management”. 2000 Volume 20, Nos 5/6/7/8 ISSN 0267-5730.
- "ICBS Intellectual Capital Benchmarking System". Journal of Intellectual Capital, MCB University Press. U.K. 2001
- "ICBS Innovation Capability Benchmarking System". World Congress on Intellectual Capital Readings. Edted by Nick Bontis. Butterworth Heinemann. 2002 ISBN: 0-7506-7475-X PP.243-265
- "An emerging new intellectual capital paradigm." The Knowledge Management Aston Conference. (KMAC 2003) Aston Business School.UK. 2003
- SCBS Social Capital Benchmarking System". Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS) Volume 9 (2003) Issue 6 p.p.501-509. Graz University of Technology, Austria.
- "In Search of an Intellectual Capital Comprehensive Theory", Viedma Marti J.M. (2007),The Electronic Journal of. Knowledge Management Volume 5 Issue 2, pp 245 - 256 England.
- "SBIC Strategic Benchmarking of Intellectual Capital. An intellectual capital strategic management methodology and strategic information system." Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS) conference proceedings 2004 - Iknow-04 Graz, Austria.
- “Strategic Knowledge Benchmarking System (SKBS): A Knowledge based strategic management information system for firms." Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 8 Number 6, 2004. ISSN: 1367-3270 pp.31-49.
- "CICBS: Cities' Intellectual Capital Benchmarking System. A methodology and a framework for measuring and managing intellectual capital of cities. A practical application in the city of Mataró". Journal:"Knowledge Management Research & Practice (KMRP)" Vol.2 Number 1 April 2004.
- "SCBS Social Capital Benchmarking System. Profitingfrom social capital when building network organizations". Journal of Intellectual Capital (JIC) Volume 5 (2004) Issue 3 ISSN: 1469-1930 p.p.426-442.
- “The region´s intellectual capital benchmarking system: enabling economic growth through evaluation”. (Co-author of the paper: Blanca Maria Martins) “Journal of Knowledge Management”. Volume 10 Number 5, 2006. ISSN 1367-3270.
- “Managing personal human capital for professional excellence: an attempt to desing a practical methodology”. In collaboration with Mihaela Enache. Journal: “KMRP (Knowledge Management Research and Practice”. March 2008 Volume 6 Number 1. ISSN 1477-8238 p.p.52-61. Palgrave Journals Macmillan.
- Chapter 19. Cities' Intellectual Capital Benchmarking System (CICBS): A methodology and a Framework for measuring and managing Intellectual Capital of cities:A practical application in the city of Mataró. "Intellectual Capital for communities. Nations, regions and cities" Edited by Ahmed Bounfour and Leif Edvinson. Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann. 2005. ISBN: 0-7506-7773-2 p.p. 317-335.
- "ICBS Intellectual Capital Benchmarking System: A Practical Methodology for Successful Strategy Formulation in the Knowledge Economy".Viedma Marti J.M. and Cabrita Maria do Rosário.(2013),The Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, Volume 11 Issue 4, pp 373 - 386.