Intellectual Capital Management Systems is an applied research organization that exclusively dedicates to the development of models, methodologies and software tools, for managing intellectual capital of companies, organizations, cities, regions, clusters and nations.
Web site of ICBS Wealth creation monitor.
A group of KM researchers who share a vision of the central role of knowledge and knowledge management in modern organisations and, at the same time, are aware of the necessity to strengthen the “roots” of this field and to boost the development of KM as a scientific discipline
The M&A Fusiones y adquisiciones company website. This company provides services on mergers, acquisitions, management buy-outs, venture capital, cooperation agreements, succession plans and the valuation of tangible and intangible assets. The company specialises in small and medium-sized transactions.
Web-site of "the new club of Paris".
Knowledge Management Research & Practice | Taylor & Francis Online (
Knowledge Management Research & Practice. Journal with articles on all aspects of managing knowledge, organisational learning, intellectual capital and knowledge economics. Include theoretical and practical aspects and especially the relationship between the two.